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An enlightened life
is within reach...

 with Jenn Lamers-Sommer

Working with Spirit to illuminate

your life path.


Mission Statement

A place to walk through life's many trials with a guided, intuitive hand. Specializing in psychic and mediumship readings, house cleansing, life-altering Soul Coaching courses, and enriching workshops. Let Jenn help make your path of life a little easier to travel.  


Meet Jenn

Medium & Psychic

Jennifer (Jenn) was born and raised in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Born into a well-respected family business, Jenn learned the value of a good work ethic and developing quality relationships with others.


Growing up in Green Bay meant great cheese, cheering on the Packers, and a strange amount of paranormal activity at her home. Throughout her early years, Jenn experienced a multitude of spirits who desperately wanted to speak with her.


Often told that she was too sensitive or had an “overactive imagination,” Jenn didn’t realize what she was experiencing. Bedtimes always involved pulling the blankets up over her head so that only her face was visible. This seemed to keep Jenn from hearing the spirits and would be something that she routinely needed to do even into her teen years. Eventually, she would learn to shut the spirits out.


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  • Jenn's Illuminated Path
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Jenn's Illuminated Path Offerings... 

Property Cleansing Materials

A place to walk through the many trials of life, with a guided, intuitive hand.

I can not say enough good things about Jenn. I have had psychic and medium readings and taken part in her shadow work course. You may have had readings before, but Jenn is definitely next level. Every time I get a reading, it usually takes a couple of days to absorb it all. I love it!


Regarding the shadow work course, if you are serious about advancing your soul and ready to get unstuck in your life, you NEED to do this. I have to admit, I felt pretty secure where I was, but we are uncovering and working through many layers. Every person could benefit from taking this a comprehensive course that is tailored to your desired level of involvement.

I can definitely say my life is better because Jenn is in it!"

- Matt S.

" I had a reading with Jenn today. What an absolutely amazing experience. She brought up things no one knew about. She is the real deal folks, book with her, you won't regret it. Super sweet lady."

- Emie P.

" I have used Jenn's psychic reading. I have a hard time believing psychics for the obvious reason that there are plenty of people out there that are good at telling people what they want to hear. Jenn on the other hand told me things that no one knew besides myself. She told me about a friend of mine that passed away in a motorcycle accident. Nobody knew that. Her readings are spot on and I

would definitely recommend her and I have to family and friends."

- Kevin S.

"Jenn is the real deal.

I was Jenn's client twice. I asked her to employ her psychic abilities for me, not her mediumship

abilities. Per her request, I gave her as little information about me as possible and she was EXTREMELY accurate about aspects of my personality and my life. In my 2nd session, I had specific questions about occurrences in my life and my path. It ended up being like a web of revelations answers to my questions led to profound revelation after revelation about me! It was like a beautiful unfolding."

- Sondra K.

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