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Meet Jennifer Lamers-Sommer

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About Jenn
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Jennifer (Jenn) was born and raised in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Born into a well-respected family business, Jenn learned the value of a good work ethic and developing quality relationships with others.


Growing up in Green Bay meant great cheese, cheering on the Packers, and a strange amount of paranormal activity at her home. Throughout her early years, Jenn experienced a multitude of spirits who desperately wanted to speak with her.


Often told that she was too sensitive or had an “overactive imagination,” Jenn didn’t realize what she was experiencing. Bedtimes always involved pulling the blankets over her head so that only her face was visible. This seemed to keep Jenn from hearing the spirits and would be something that she routinely needed to do even into her teen years. Eventually, she would learn to shut the spirits out.


Years of denying her natural ability to speak with spirits would turn Jenn’s mediumship abilities nearly off. Then, at the young age of 20, Jenn would lose her mother suddenly to a routine hospital procedure. This experience provided the trigger needed to slowly unlock her mediumistic abilities and her mother would be the first spirit that Jenn would willingly talk to.


In 2017, Jenn and her husband Kent would join 5 other individuals in starting a paranormal team known as Chain O’Lakes Paranormal. Her love of history and research would make Jenn the team’s researcher as well as a fellow investigator. However, as the team continued to take on complex cases, Jenn noticed that she was picking up on information that none of her teammates could see, hear, or feel.



​Over the course of a few years, she would go from team researcher to the team’s medium and spiritual space cleanser.


Her love of history and research would make Jenn the team’s researcher and a fellow investigator. However, as the team continued to take on complex cases, Jenn noticed that she was picking up on information that none of her teammates could see, hear, or feel. Over a few years, she would go from team researcher to the team’s medium and spiritual space cleanser. 


2020 would not only be the year of the Coronavirus, but it would also provide an opportunity for Jenn to be mentored in her mediumship abilities. Under the tutelage of Minister Matthew Smith of the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualist Sciences in Stansted, England, Jenn learned to trust and strengthen her mediumistic abilities. As Matthew told her in their last Zoom class together, “Mediumship is in your DNA.”


Currently, Jenn provides psychic mediumship readings, house cleansings, Soul Life Coaching courses, and Empath Survival Skills classes. She also taps into her professional teaching background by working with youth struggling with their experiences of seeing spirits and privately mentoring them. When Jenn isn’t working in the metaphysical realm, she keeps grounded by helping her husband to run their hobby farm. Jenn is also a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids and works through their study program to actively bring Druidry into her life.   

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