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Property Cleansings

Wooden House
Office Building

House Cleansings



Your home should be your safe haven, the place where you feel relaxed, happy, and at peace. However, when bad energy is lingering around, your home can quickly become the complete opposite – a place of hostility and negativity.  When you have this negative energy in your home, it can affect every other aspect of your life. In a home cleansing, I first walk through the home to get a feel of what energy is present and where. I will then sit down with you to listen to the various issues you’ve been experiencing in your home (this initial visit can take up to 2 hours). Once all information is collected, I then return home to create a plan to help cleanse your home – this may involve a paranormal investigation with Chain O’Lakes Paranormal if needed. On my follow-up visit, I will walk through the cleansing plan with you, cleanse your home, and then provide you with the knowledge needed to continue to follow up on the plan (this can take 2-3 hours depending on the size and scope of the cleansing). Additional visits may be needed. Please understand, that this is not a standard, one-size-fits-all house cleansing. Each home gets a unique plan developed for it and Jenn supplies all materials to make it happen. 

Business Cleansings

(Depends on size and location)

Starting at $300


Homes aren’t the only locations that suffer from stagnant, negative energy or paranormal activity. Running a business can be stressful enough, but when hostile, negative energy lingers around or paranormal activity kicks up, it can affect everyone in that workplace. When you have this negative energy in your business, it can change the attitudes of your employees and even stifle the willingness of customers to want to purchase goods or services from you. In a business cleansing, I first walk through the location to get a feel of what energy is present and where. I will then sit down with you to listen to the various issues you’ve been experiencing in your business (this initial visit can take up to 2 hours). Once all information is collected,

I then return home to create a plan to help cleanse your business – this may involve a paranormal investigation with Chain O’Lakes Paranormal if needed. On my follow-up visit, I will walk through the cleansing plan with you, cleanse your location, and then provide you with the knowledge needed to continue to follow up on the plan (this can take 2-4  hours depending on the size and scope of the cleansing). Additional visits may be needed and are NOT an additional charge for up to 6 months after the initial cleansing. Please understand, that this is not a standard, one-size-fits-all cleansing. Each business gets a unique plan developed by Jenn and she supplies all materials to make it happen. 


  • These are the current services being offered at Jenn’s Illuminated Path. You will see that Jenn offers both house & business cleansings.

  • Jenn's Illuminated Path
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