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Illuminated Path Q & A

It is important to Jenn that you feel comfortable with how she conducts her sessions before you schedule a reading.  In this section, Jenn has answered a variety of common questions she’s received over the years.  If you have additional questions prior to booking a session, please don’t hesitate to contact Jenn through the Connect section of this website. 

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Let's Answer Your Q's

Do you do research on customers before their reading?

  • Absolutely no. I do not have the time, energy, or desire to research my customers ahead of time. The beauty of my mediumship is that it's raw and real. I love when a message or image from spirit makes absolutely no sense to me, but lights up my customer’s face with knowing.



Will you ask me to tell you information before or during the reading?

  • No.  I often stop customers who are so excited at the connection I’ve made that they want to tell me everything right there and then. I take great pride in my mediumship. That means I want the messages I receive to be truthfully from spirit and not something my conscious mind makes up.  Too much information will skew a reading.  I ask that customers wait till the end before filling me in on how everything connects.  

Healing Stones
Candle Burning Ritual

Is there something I can do to have a better experience at my reading?

  • Relax and be open to possibilities. Trust me, I can tell even before you get to my house or meet with me on Zoom if you’re feeling nervous, anxious, or upset.  About 30-60 minutes before your reading I naturally tap into your energy and can feel what you’re feeling.  

  • Additionally, a day or two before your reading, you can ask spirits to help you with… or request a particular spirit to speak with you during the reading. Putting your intentions out into the Universe for your reading can be hugely helpful.

  • During the reading, you don’t have to poker face me.  Though I don’t want too much information (usually yes and no are best) during your reading, showing NO emotion can actually make it harder for me. Why?  Because my conscious mind starts questioning if you’re connecting with anything I’ve said and it throws off my connection with spirit.  


Can I ask for a specific loved one to come through and talk to me?

  • You can, but I cannot guarantee that is whom you will get.  If you have a specific loved one you’d like to speak with, please bring an item of theirs that I can hold.  This helps me to connect to that person and bring them in (a process known as psychometry). That being said, there are no guarantees.  I ask that you come to your reading open to whoever may wish to speak with you.  


During a reading, can I ask direct questions and get answers from the spirit of my loved one?

  • You can ask direct questions; however, you don’t always get direct answers.  A spirit usually comes to you with its own agenda.  They may want to discuss something that happened or is happening in your life.  If they don’t want to answer your question, they won’t.

  • Additionally, speaking with spirits isn’t like speaking to a living person.  Messages come through as pictures, emotions, impressions, and even words.  Nonetheless, the words can be difficult to understand at times, so I will do my best to tell you what I experience and I will need your help to make sense of it. 


Can you help me find something or someone OR can you help solve a crime?

  • Not at this time. Psychics work very hard to develop the skill of finding people and things. It is a more specific skill set to this work (like a general doctor versus a specialist). At this current time, I have not worked on that skill, though it is something I’m considering for the future.


What can I expect after my reading?

  • I tell everyone that it will take time to process the information and emotions that have been stirred up by your reading.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me afterwards if you have questions or if something finally clicked with what I said.


Can you tell me if a home is haunted and what may be haunting it?

  • Yes! I am known as a remote viewer. This means that with a single picture of the outside of a home, business, or general location, I am able to use my mind and the Earth’s energy to travel to that location without leaving my home. I can see details quite clearly and travel through the space as though I was physically there.  This technique is often used to look into locations that may be haunted and find out what potentially could be there.  Great for those who are wondering about a home they want to purchase.


Do you investigate haunted homes and locations?

  • Yes. I, along with my paranormal team, Chain O’Lakes Paranormal, would be happy to investigate a home or business if the owner believes there to be activity.  This is a free service we offer.

Are our readings over Zoom as effective as in-person readings?

  • Yes.  I was skeptical myself before I did my first Zoom reading, but I have found Zoom readings to be just as effective. You don’t get the smells of the incense Myrrh or feel of my crystals on your hands as you would with an in-person reading; however, the energy, messages, and connections are all still there.  


How do you communicate with spirits?

  • This is always a fun question to explain. As a medium, I have to essentially get my brain to function at a different frequency. The biggest step to do this is meditation - essentially getting my mind to calm itself down. I also use crystals, instrumental music, and incense to assist in this frequency-changing process.  Once my mind is calm, I receive images (clairvoyance), feel emotions (clairsentience), and hear words (clairaudience) that I then communicate to my sitter (customer). 


Do you read tarot cards?

  • My personal preference and style, I read oracle cards, not tarot. Oracle cards allow me to read intuitively.  The pictures on the cards don’t change, but their meaning can depend on who is sitting in front of me. I don’t feel that tarot cards allow me this flexibility. 

Can you tell people’s fortunes?

  • No, not really. When I read oracle cards for you, they tell me where you are headed if you continue on the same path. The beauty of life is that you have free will. Once you hear where you’re headed, you ALWAYS have the choice to change it. I also cannot tell you the winning lottery numbers - it just doesn’t work that way with spirit. If you’re meant to win the lottery, you will without my help. 


How often can I get a reading with you?

  • My rule of thumb is at most once a month. More than that in my eyes is unethical because there needs to be some time between readings for things to change and progress. Additionally, people can become addicted to readings because they are struggling with grief or want the “control” of knowing what happens next.  Once a month with me says I want you to find time to live your life too.




























I’ve never had a reading with a medium before, what happens during the reading?

  • To begin a reading, I often have sitters (customers) close their eyes with me and take some deep, relaxing breaths.

  • You’ll then see me, with crystals in hand, looking at you or around the room as I pull in information and describe what I’m seeing, hearing, or feeling from spirit. Please don’t be offended if I don’t make much for eye contact with you while reading.  When I’m getting information from Spirit, I usually stare into space so that the rest of my senses can focus better.  

  • I always recommend that you have tissues nearby. If you are in my office for an in person reading, I provide not only tissues, but crystals for you to hold too.  

  • Time will go quickly. I do keep track of the time, but if I’m in the middle of a message, I will not cut it short because time is up. You will only pay for the hour, but I may go over that if needed.

Tree Roots
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